Tuesday 6 December 2011

Think positive IV

- Portuguese parents play more with their children than any other parents, according to an Imaginarium study. Personally, I think this is a good sign for the present (as it means they enjoy having quality time with their kids) and future (I am for that this will reflect in the children development) http://www.publico.pt/Sociedade/pais-portugueses-sao-os-que-dedicam-mais-tempo-a-brincar-com-os-filhos-1523953

- Portuguese industrial volume sales are up +2.5%, with exports being the key driver (+14.1%), over-compensating the decline in internal market. http://economia.publico.pt/Noticia/negocios-na-industria-cada-vez-mais-dependente-do-exterior-1523964

- There is a €2000Ms superavit in 2011 public calculations, that will be used to inject money back to the economy.

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