Friday, 8 July 2011

Portuguese Parliament - contacts

A key concept in democracy is that deputies are exactly that - they are just the representatives of the People in the parliamentary assembly, and, as any employee, should be held accountable. As so, let me include here a number of key contacts, publicly available through the Portuguese Parliament website. I strongly encourage you to contact these groups, and hold them liable for their actions.

Grupo Parlamentar do Partido Socialista Palácio de S. Bento 1249-068 LISBOA
Tel.: 800204342 (linha verde) / 213919264 Fax: 213917444
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Grupo Parlamentar do Partido Social Democrata Palácio de S. Bento 1249-068 LISBOA
Tel.: 800205156 (linha verde) Fax: 213917443
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Grupo Parlamentar do Partido Popular Palácio de S. Bento 1249-068 LISBOA
Tel.: 800205158 (linha verde) / 213919233 Fax: 213917433
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Grupo Parlamentar do Partido do Bloco de Esquerda Palácio de S. Bento 1249-068 LISBOA
Tel.: 800204027 (linha verde) / 213917592 Fax: 213917459
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Grupo Parlamentar do Partido Comunista Português Palácio de S. Bento 1249-068 LISBOA
Tel.: 800200358 (linha verde) / 213919202 Fax: 213917432
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Grupo Parlamentar do Partido Ecologista "Os Verdes" Palácio de S. Bento 1249-068 LISBOA
Tel.: 800205154 (linha verde) / 213919294 / 213919203 Fax: 213917424
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