Tuesday, 5 July 2011

A dangerous decision

A Dutch court declared Holland was responsible for the death of 3 citizens (muslims) at the hands of the bosnian-serbian army. It stands that the Dutch military (serving as part of UN's "Blue Helmets") didn't do enough to protect the muslims during the Srebrenica massacre, in which 8000 muslims were slaughtered, on what is Europe's worst massacre since World War II.

It is true that the Blue Helmets were sent there as a preventor to any attack - and that attack still happened. But it is only irresponsible not to look at the very limited mandate that they were in at the time, carrying only light weapons (hand guns to be more precise), despite facing a heavilly armed army - and they were not even cleared to use those light weapons! What happened was not the Dutch State responsibility, but actually a curtailed mandate from the Security Committee to the UN!

And now... if you were Holland, would you be willing to committ troops to the Blue Helmets again? This is a very dangerous decision...


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