Sunday, 7 March 2010

My generation's battle

It is said that all generations have their battles. The one's that help the shape of it, of it's personality, values and character. In the 60's it was freedom, the racial issues. Then the Vietnam and colonial wars, the 25th April's and similar revolutions. In the 80's, the Cold war. In the 90's it was personality expression, setting the world forward, shaping an information culture that would explode later on. But my generation's battle, our war will be the environment.

We are at the edge of knowing what we want for our future. And that's what the environmental war is all about. It is not about saving the whales. It is about saving our health in the future and the one of our children's. Like Al Gore quoted, the way our children and grandchildren will live depends on us - and so depends the way they will look at us, as the ones who were brave, intelligent and resilient enough to find solutions for their future, or as the ones who were too lazy and selfish to trade simple instant sweets for the common future good. To we really want to keep on borrowing resources from the future that our children will have to pay?

That is the battle of my generation. And it is a battle I want to win.

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