The turmoil around Catholic Church priests child abuse in the late XX and begin on XXI centuries risks breaking two important dogmas:
1) Priest celibacy. It is now clear that a relevant number of priests can't fight back sexual surges, despite a vow in that direction. For some of those, children turn out to be a natural escape. In the light of these event, it would be reasonable (at least) for the Church to open a reflection on celibacy.
2) The vision of the Church as a good instituition, devoted at doing so and determined to fight evil. The speed with which it closed its ranks (until it was too late to ignore the abuse) and the policy of secrecy instituted for decades (Centuries? Ages?) show too clearly that this is an instituition composed by men, that aren't (naturally) perfect. And raises the question of law enforcement when necessary, putting aside some of the slack that has been given in some cases.
It would be of great advantage for the Catholic Church to act swiftly on this issue, or face delusion from a World where it already struggles to find a place.
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