Tuesday, 14 September 2021

A path to hedonism

A study pre-published today in the Lancet is quite worrying. It is about the disappointment and concern young people feel about climate change. It is quite dark (understandably). But it was Publico's headline (linked above) that caught my attention: over half of the young people inquired believes the world is doomed.

Now, that is worrying on itself, and it shows how much we have failed the next generations. But it opens a path that is even darker. If the World is doomed whatever we do, then maybe it would be better to live it to the max, without any concerns on saving it. It won't be any action I do that turns things better or worse, so, let me just live it while I am here and it still exists.

The fact many of these young persons don't want to have kids both highlights and heightens this dark path. Without a commitment to a future generation, then there is no future reward for the good I do now, no will to compromise on immediate pleasures now.

And this dark path frightens me.

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