Tuesday, 24 April 2012

That's what we are talking when we say...

... that Portugal needs to cut down on public spending - a massive cut on overheads. The measures that are on the table on what concerns public human resources aim at:

- close the gap vs human resources at private companies;
- increase efficiency and productivity of current talent;
- decrease the costs of firing on the public sector.

Some calculations point out that Portugal needs a public overhead reduction between 30.000 and 50.000 persons, to balance productivity, cost efficiency and help on deficit mitigation. Still, I think a key point is missing - the need to have a clear set program for talent evaluation, based on performance and behaviours. Contrary to many, I believe the vast majority of public sector is productive (or potentially productive in some cases), but a clear evaluation process is needed to ensure less productive talent is spotted and worked on (either by enhancing its productivity or by firing it) and ensure competitiveness and results from everyone.

But those measures are all needed. There are many unproductive spends in the Portuguese Government budget - and this is one of them. We need to have them all addressed, as Portugal can't afford to carry these extra-loads any more, with the consequences it has on lack of service, public spending and tax overloading.


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