Tuesday, 22 November 2011

There are opportunities everywhere

For centuries, Nazare waters were considered blessed for their fish but also doomed for its storminess and deadliness. Now, someone saw an opportunity there...

Nazare was made famous for the impressive images of its fishermen defying death on small fishing boats, rowing to overpower the waves. Now, those same waves might be a blessing, after they have been surfed - and probably considered the biggest waves in the world to have been surfed. Nazare's municipality seems to be (rightly) seeing this as an opportunity:
- to attract the big waves surfing best athletes in a world tour competition, and their entourages and on-lookers;
- attract surfing tourists;
- develop a safety business on search and rescue operations in stormy waters.

Opportunities are everywhere. We just need to understand and how to explore them.

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