Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Limit to deficit level in the Spanish Constituition

Spain announced that is considering a Constituitional amendment to limit the annual deficit percentage - a move that is naturally welcomed by the sovereign debt markets. My only point is that they should avoid to fall in the same trap as the US. Though there is a Constituitional debt level (as part of the Laws to protect the future Citizens of the country), that level is permanently raised whenever it is necessary, rending it inoperational - see this article for more information http://my2centsontheworld.blogspot.com/2011/07/us-debt-limit-angle-of-thought.html

Now, of course a deficit and a debt level limits are different, but, in the end, it will always come up to how well will that be operationalised in the real daily world. And how will Spain make the economy grow without the debt doping...

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