Tuesday, 6 April 2010

A brief note on energy

Actually, this is one of the most crucial areas in the Portuguese economy - and one of the few, I must say, I strongly agree with the Government policy. I would endorse these two latest statements:

1) The need to develop an intelligent power grid – it is crucial to optimise energy generation and consumption, optimising costs and use.


2) Alternative energy sources are the answer, not nuclear – nuclear energy has extra-huge setup costs (nuclear plant, but also a new power grid that is able to sustain the bulk force of its generation), learning needs and fossil fuel. All would have to be sourced (and paid for) externally. It is an old technology that is already mastered by a few players – no possibility of developing unique competences in there. Its scale implies that a single nuclear plant would not be profitable – to generate scale economies, we would need at least two. And we would have to pay considerable costs for transport and disposal of used fuel. Too expensive is the right conclusion.


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