Wednesday, 6 January 2010

And the wind bring us good news

In 2009, about 15% of total energy used in Portuguese households came from wind energy farms. This is part of a sustainable alternative energy strategy, that is being pursuit by Portugal over the last years - and that is supposed to keep building up over the next ones. The target is that 45% of the energy used in Portugal comes from alternative energy sources by 2010 - nowadays, the raw figure is around 35% and the counpounded one (recognized by Eurostat) is 41%.

That is extremely good news - besides a greener environment, we are trading foreing trade dependency by homeland production. Just what we need when our foreign debt keeps increasing to titanic dimensions.


Unknown said...

Hello, Just want to say that this is really good news, but I don't think you can say that 15% of energy comes from wind farms.. That 15% refers to electricity consumption, which is quite different from energy consumption. Energy includes diesel and gasoline for trasportation and it is here that the true dependence of Portugal from foreign energy lies. Despite this, this news is of course quite encouraging.

Ricardo said...

Hi Antonio. Thanks for the relevant remark! You are quite right about it.