Wednesday, 5 November 2008

How a small stone throwed to the lake can generate a large wave that changes the shoreline

"Nothing is stronger than an idea whose time has come" - Victor Hugo

In 1955, a middle-age bus driver stood up and moved to the back of the vehicle, towards a 42 year-old black working mother. The words and actions that ensued changed the United States and the World, granting equal civil rights to a group of people that always had been put aside. We can recount everything that followed, the 60's and 70's struggles, the positive discrimination legislation in some areas to counter the negatively bias that was rooted in society, the politically-correct movement, the gradual acceptance of differences, the large impact the media had on culture and the way hip-hop became fashionable. But the point is, that small rock that was thrown more than 50 years ago, in a semi-obscure corner of USA, reached the lake shore today, when Barack Obama was elected, ending the landscape for years to come.

50 years ago, James Blake and Rosa Parks had no idea what would happen. But when one has any doubt about what the importance of individual actions on the World, I think this one says it all. It let the trigger go, and ignite that idea whose time had come.,_Jr.

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