Thursday, 30 November 2023

A hard truth

Europe is the region in the world with the best environmental performance. We should be proud in this and work hard to export our performance on this, through political influence. (abridged from a tweet by @ruiaesteves)

Tuesday, 28 November 2023


This news from Publico (in Portuguese) is a serious contender for most frightening of the month. The fact that bleach is ineffective on the killing of a antibiotic-resistant bacteria means we just lost a powerful, simple, cheap and widely used way of cleansing hospital and medical facilities. The implications are horrendous and should keep us all up at night.

Thursday, 16 November 2023

20% loss in five years

Talking with the Head of Sustainability of an European Foods company. "Over the last five years, the agricultural farms we partner have lost around 20% of their productivity. We believe this is mostly due to the rise of air temperature - and that this is only the beginning".

Friday, 10 November 2023

Can Portugal handle a three-meters average sea rise?

Really nice news from Dutch News, summing up of a study on the ability of The Netherlands to withstand the expected sea rise over the next decades. But it elicits the question, are other countries ready?

Tuesday, 7 November 2023

The Judicial Branch

Looking at all of what's happening today, one should notice that they are still a sign of some health on the Portuguese democracy. These actions show that the judicial power is still independent - and that's an essential part of a democracy.