Thursday, 28 October 2021

Science and Europe

It was recently published the latest Eurobarometer study about the relationship between Europeans and Science. A must read, in my opinion.

Sunday, 24 October 2021

Simple maths

Gigantic Government operations, involved in too many areas and activities, in an inefficient way, will always need a titanic tax volume, financed from the citizens own pockets (while generating systemic corruption as a lateral effect).

Sunday, 10 October 2021

A country going poorer and poorer...

This article from Anibal Cavaco Silva (former President and Prime-Minister of Portugal) is tremendously clear and fact-based. So much that is actually hurts. it physically hurts me. Honestly. It also has the terrible advantage of "calling the spade a spade". It is que equivalent to a truckload of realism. And if someone doesn't like this article, then it should work hard to change reality - because this article is just describing it.

Saturday, 9 October 2021


A good article from Carlos Guimarães Pinto (in Portuguese) about the importance of bankruptcies for economies.