Monday, 22 March 2021

Genetics lottery

Covid19 vaccination is crucial. But we are living right now a "genetics lottery" that will affect it. As the virus spreads and takes root in hundreds of million of people around the world, it mutates. This is a normal and expected process. Those mutations will result in variants. And variants can be more or less aggressive for the human being. At the same time these variations occur, they also compete between themselves - for dominance of the habitat they are spreading on. And that is the human species (and probably a few more as well).

Now, we can't determine which variants will endure for a few days, become extinct or dominant. But these mutations mean risk. Because there is the probability (High? Low? No idea...) that a significantly different and more aggressive variant of Covid19 takes root and becomes dominant (or near-dominant) - one that is sufficiently different from the original ones so that it takes a significant toll in the immunization ability of currently available vaccines. And so, to render them less efficient - and a less powerful weapon in fighting and containing the virus.

It must be said that 90% efficacy from some of those vaccines is an amazing figure. And one that builds confidence on their ability to still fight the virus, even if some of their efficacy is lost (a vaccine is considered a top performer if it provides 70%+ of immunization) - there is a "cushion", so to say. 

But the risk is still there. And it probably is what prompted the late messages for the UK scientific body (warning that British should not go on holidays abroad this summer, even if vaccinated) and Dr Faucci (vaccinated, but still wearing double-masks). All in all, this risk means that even with the vaccines, there is a high probability that the Covid19 pandemic and crisis will not stop in 2021 - but will endure at least throughout the 2022 winter. Fingers crossed it won't.

Now, let me just say something else. The opposite (positive) risk also exists. That in this genetics lottery, a different, less aggressive (for the human body) variant prevails - and that would be amazing news.

Sunday, 21 March 2021

Where Europe went wrong in its vaccine rollout and why - an article from the New York Times

 I think this is a very good article and summary of what happened.

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Food price's inflation

 Climate Change + Pandemic related Supply Chain disruptions + massive money supply influx => food prices are soaring. Let's watch carefully where this is heading.

Sunday, 7 March 2021

Ronald Reagan

"A communist is someone who reads Marx and Lenin. An anti-communist is someone who understands Marx and Lenin." - Ronald Reagan

Friday, 5 March 2021

Lockdown ending in Portugal

There is a clear risk when lockdown ends in Portugal. Apart from a below standard vaccination campaign (less than 10% of people received the first shot), nothing has been done - we still don't have contract tracing working efficiently, we still don't know the source of 84% of covid19 cases, the app is not working effectively. So, when Portugal unlocks... the risk of a new pandemic wave in the country is quite high.

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

The mental health toll on teenagers

The pandemic and the lockdown are an explosive cocktail for mental health - especially when we are talking about brains and personalities that are in an accelerated development stage, where stimuli and socialization are (even more) key for happiness.

Publico published a great article about the mental health toll this past year is taking on children and teenagers in Portugal.