There are urgent needs to tackle and actions to be taken. But what is surprising is the lack of consistency on them - the lack of a longer term purpose for all the actions, of a strategy that tells us what and how we should guide our present day actions. Because economy doesn't end on Governmental Budget management!
Portugal needs a long term strategy. Some (few) persons have been telling that for years - the issue seems to be vanished of political speeches and minds for years. The last real effort was the Porter Report back in the 90's - and very little action ensued it. We need to know were we are aiming for, how we want Portugal to be in 10, 20 years - economically talking. How we will grow. How we will support that growth. What is needed to support our vision - what actions, what policies, what choices!
That is above political parties. It is down to society. We have the responsability to demand that strategy!
And lets be honest about it. If we don't, if we are to be unable to build a national economic strategy, we will sink. In debt. In poverty. In less-development. Our companies will not be able to sell products to other markets. They will not be able to compete with foreign companies in our market. They will sell less and less. So they will need less people. Less business and higher unemployment means less taxes. Which means higher debt. Which means higher debt service. Which...
We need to break this flow, this cycle. We need to be able to think longer term! So we can start taking the necessary actions now!